Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How DO you do it?

No, really how do you do it?

This was asked of me yesterday. This week is another one of those weeks. Yesterday I forgot that there was a luncheon for some of the office staff. Our CEO was nominated for business person of the year. Anyways, I had to run home and change my clothes since I felt that my dress slacks and sweater were too casual for this event. I had a meeting and a dinner Monday, I have a meeting tonight, and I also have Bud's hockey practice. I will be late to the practice. I have our Rotary fundraiser tomorrow night, and have to start planning a 5th birthday party for Bud. So how do I do it? I have a great support system. My parents are awesome at helping us out and the hubs is my biggest fan. He does so much to make things run smooth. That is how. But I can't say that with out it sounding so simple. I fit in my friends here and there. I have lunch planned this Friday with miss ribail and I have not seen her in....well..... gosh... it's been so long that I can't remember. We planned it a month out so that we could keep a clear calendar. That is how nuts it is. I have also decided that we need to get a huge dry erase calendar for our kitchen so that we can keep our life on track.

That is how it's done.

I have not blogged since I have been so busy at work and home. I finally just took a break today. That and I have a mega cold A- freakin' gain!

enjoy life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and these colds, sheez!! Bud's got to stop bringing the ictamictafrictus home from school! I can't believe he's going to be 5.

I don't know how you do it either, kiddo. You amaze me.