Friday, June 09, 2006

Here comes the sun...doo de doo doo Here comes the sun, and I say it's all right.....

No not another song that my precious child has picked up. It is the thoughts I am trying to channel for this weekend. I was informed that it may get to a chilly 40 degrees and rain this weekend which is a major bummer for my tomato plants that are just barely cracking the ground. That and I do not want to be cooped up inside all weekend watching reruns of lord only knows what on TV. Currently it is raining and thundering. YUCK! On another note I do have a dance recital to go to for my niece on Sunday, but that is it.
I do want to mention that Bud has learned some of the lyrics to the Beastie Boys fight for your right to party. I was amused when I heard that come from him. I almost wanted to tell him not to sing that as it really is not age appropriate, but what is it gonna hurt? He is not using profanity or anything like that so I let it go.

I have to get my season hockey tickets today! Woo Hoo can we say opening day in 4 months.

Have a great weekend!

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